DVD Download

DVD Download


Download DVD video file 


This is the Sailing School DVD in video format. You can download the 4GB file, please note this is a very large file and will take some time to download. 

Feedback from a previous viewer:

Ed - Nov 1, 2012

"Dear Penny, 

As Hurricane Sandy was making it's way north, it left behind perfect sailing weather across much of Florida. And so it happened that I had scheduled for my ASA 101 basic sailing this very weekend at a very convenient inland lake around the Orlando area. I aced the test. Your video was a lot of help for me. Thank you Penny! Happy trails."

Inspiring Speaker 

Penny Whiting was award an MBE in 1993 for her Services to Sailing, she has worked as a councillor for Auckland City, authored many books and is Chair of the Auckland Zoo Charitable Trust, as well as many other achievements.   Book Penny for an engaging and entertaining speaker.

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